You Can Adopt
You Can Adopt is a collaboration of national adoption agencies. Its collaborative national campaign #YouCanAdopt aims to raise general awareness of adoption.
The Brief
You Can Adopt run a variety of campaigns throughout the year, with each campaign targeting prospective adopters for hard to place adoptees, such as brother and sister pairings and children from minority backgrounds.
You Can Adopt approached Craftwork to run a combined Paid Search and YouTube paid media campaign to support the wider campaign goal, and to help drive leads to the adoption agencies during each campaign period.

The Website
The website is powered by WordPress. Bespoke campaign landing pages were created to match paid search advert copy and calls to action, helping maxmise conversion rate.

What We Did
Paid search (PPC) campaigns were launched to drive immediate, high-quality traffic to the website and encourage enquiries to individual adoption agencies.
Devised a keyword strategy and advert copy to help better-target in demand adoptors, such as those interested in adopting a sibling pair.
Budgets were split across the key regions in the UK to ensure an even spread of budget.
YouTube adverts were run in conjunction with conventional paid search ads to drive awareness of, and engagement with, the wider campaign.

The Outcome
Hundreds of incremental leads driven from PPC at a strong cost per lead threshold
PPC campaigns contributed 36% of overall traffic and 39% of overall leads
Over 42,000 YouTube video views across 3 campaigns with a 33% average view-through-rate (VTR), 6% above the average VTR
Need help with paid media?
Whether it's conventional paid search, display or YouTube advertising, get in touch today to request a free proposal